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Our Knowledge management system for emergency management unlocks the power of shared expertise. Explore our solutions and learn more about how we can simplify your enterprise. Bridge the Knowledge Gap. Strengthen Your Emergency Response.

Schedule a demo today and discover how Odysseus™ can be put In-Work for you.


The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System - KMS is dedicated to the development and maintenance of programs, plans, policies, and guidance while offering standardization and flexibility.

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    odysseus enterprise solutions

    Download our KMS Fact Sheet to learn more!


    knowledge management system

    Improve Program Quality

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System features the unique characteristic of providing standardization and flexibility, while reducing redundancy and increasing version control with your organization’s plans and doctrine.

    odysseus enterprise solutions
    odysseus enterprise solutions

    Secured Collaboration & Sharing

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System provides secure access, creating a safe and collaborative environment to promote increased participation. Our unique architecture allows for plans or portions of plans to be shared with other systems in a controlled environment.

    odysseus enterprise solutions
    odysseus enterprise solutions
    knowledge management system
    knowledge management system

    Document the Planning Process

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System documents the planning process and tracks planning collaboration among partners and committee members.

    odysseus enterprise solutions
    odysseus enterprise solutions

    Manage Program Planning Activities

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System allows for the monitoring of planning partners, stakeholders, and committees. Assign tasks or monitor the progress of work activities from the convenience of your desktop.

    odysseus enterprise solutions
    knowledge management system
    knowledge management system

    Schedule Planning Activities

    Coordinate, announce, and track meeting schedules.  The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System synchronizes these meeting dates with industry standard calendar tools.

    odysseus enterprise solutions
    odysseus enterprise solutions

    ODYSSEUS™ Knowledge Management System

    • Consolidate & Centralize: Capture best practices, protocols, and vital data in one place.
    • Empower Every Responder: Instant access to critical information for faster, more informed decisions.
    • Fuel Continuous Improvement: Learn from past events to optimize preparedness for future emergencies.
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    Regional & State Preparedness Programs

    odysseus enterprise solutions

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System offers the capability to standardize, integrate, and share operational doctrine and plans across a state or region for jurisdictions and local use. The integration and customization of the Odysseus™|CBT, Odysseus™|AAT, and Odysseus™|CPM features provided our clients with a robust platform to systematically collaborate, assess, analyze, and educate on various preparedness programs across the state. The result was an overall increase preparedness and compliance for all system users.


    Community Planning & Development

    knowledge management system

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System offers planners and developers a new and efficient tool for collaborative, community planning with stakeholders, neighbors, and residents. Customized Odysseus™|AAT community survey instruments and Odysseus™|CBT interactive public participation modules provide community members with an effective method to engage, provide input, and learn from the planning process. The result is an engaged community that has the latest technological resources to effectively plan and develop a stronger, more resilient, and sustainable community.


    Infrastructure & Utility Owners

    odysseus enterprise solutions

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System offers infrastructure and utility owners an effective tool to manage the development, maintenance, and update of standard operating procedures, system protocols, and other planning elements that may be required by regulatory mandates or recognized industry best practices. Coupled with the Odysseus™|CPM, Odysseus™|AAT, and Odysseus™|CBT, the Odysseus™ enterprise offers a turnkey solution for infrastructure and utility owners' to develop and maintain vital programs and initiatives.


    Hospitals and Regional Healthcare Coalitions

    knowledge management system

    The Odysseus™ Knowledge Management System has been utilized by hospitals and regional healthcare coalitions across the country to effectively and efficiently collaborate across the healthcare network. Their success is dependent on their ability to collaborate and build capability to plan, organize, equip, train, exercise, and evaluate their respective healthcare system. Armed with the Odysseus'™ collaborative technologies, hospitals and healthcare coalitions are addressing the challenges and developing solutions that improve the health and prosperity of our communities.