The Odysseus™|AAS allows for the creation of customized assessment tools to systematically evaluate your organization’s programs and initiatives.
The Odysseus™ | AAS provides users with ready access to industry and discipline standard assessment tools that can be used to evaluate, assess, and understand programmatic initiatives and trends.
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Assess Progress of Programs & Initiatives
Cross-Reference & Verify Across the Enterprise
The Odysseus™|AAS enables assessors to verify results by cross-referencing documented accomplishments across the Odysseus enterprise.
Create Customized Assessments
With the Odysseus™|AAS, users can elect to have custom assessments created that are fully integrated across the Odysseus enterprise.
Standard and Customized Point-and-Click Reports.
The Odysseus™|AAS provides users with a standard library of point-and-click reports. Want something specific? Our Technology Support Team is available to build custom reports specific to your organization’s needs.
Get a Tour- Solution: Program Performance
- Solution: Community Surveys
- Solution: Risk & Resiliency
- Solution: Capability Analysis
- Solution: Other
Program Performance and Improvement
The Odysseus™|AAT has been used by corporations, government units, regional authorities, utilities, and other organizations to track and gauge performance and improvement. The Odysseus™|AAT framework can be customized, allowing organizations to assess relative to an unlimited number of indicators and measurements. Assessors can validate results by cross-referencing assessment measurements to external documents or information stored in the Odysseus|KMS, Odysseus|CPM, or Odysseus|CBT. Track your organization's or program's performance and improvement from year to year. Results can be presented in an existing library of easy to interpret reports or have your own custom report created with our professional technical services.
SECTOR CASE STUDYCustom Community Surveys
The Odysseus™|AAT has been utilized to develop survey instruments that allow external partners, community members, and stakeholders to provide input in important program matters and planning processes. The Odysseus™|AAT survey instruments were coupled with the Odysseus™|CBT to offer customized interactive participation modules that informs key stakeholders on important program topics and provide real-time feedback and input on program and planning matters. Results of the survey were reported with and data analytics tracked and documented their participation in your program planning process.
SECTOR CASE STUDYProgram Performance and Improvement
The Odysseus™|AAT framework was used to develop a comprehensive community resiliency tool called the Community Vulnerability, Risk & Resiliency (CVR2). The CVR2 provides a sophisticated, research-based analysis of over 4,500 evidence-based indicators and measurements of community vulnerability, capability, and hazard risk. The CVR2 uses a rigorous methodological process to systematically analyze to ensure reliably and accuracy. The CVR2 can also cross reference with the Odysseus™| KMS and Odysseus™|CBT to provide heightened situational awareness and understanding with key stakeholder and partners.
SECTOR CASE STUDYDepartment Capability Assessments
The Odysseus™|AAT framework was used to design assessment modules that facilitated self-assessments of each jurisdiction’s preparedness programs based on national standards put forth by the Department of Homeland Security, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The Odysseus™|AAT allowed jurisdictions to document progress in achieving the capabilities and also inform technical assistance plans stored in the Odysseus™|KMS.